Friday, January 30, 2009

Day Thirty: Goodbye Iowa, or not

I was all packed up this morning at 7am, ready to drive back home. I began bringing my suitcase, laptop, camera, etc. to the garage door. Then my daughter said she wasn't feeling well. Max, who has been on amoxicillan, has not gotten better. He came into my room at 12:30 at night. He was burning up. I gave him Tylenol and let him sleep with me.
So, I took each bag.....suitcase, laptop, camera, purse.....back to my bedroom. That was this morning. It is now after 7pm, and I still haven't had the strength to unpack everything. Of course, that doesn't include my camera and laptop!

My picture for today, therefore, are the bags that got shuffled from bedroom to backroom to bedroom.


  1. Awww I hope everyone feels better soon! I know how the sickies can really throw a wrench in your plan! You sound like you deserve some good rest and relaxation time!

  2. Hope things improve and you get on your way soon.

    Love the green bag!

  3. So sorry your family is feeling so awful ... that's just the worst! Great shot, it looks like my house after vacation - I tend to leave everything except my MacBook and camera packed and sitting in the hallway for weeks. LOL!

  4. Oh no...hope your daughter isn't coming down with something!
